This pocket-sized tool could be...


And it’s 100% legal...

“I’m gonna kick your f*****g ass, old man!”

My heart raced as every hair on my body stood up.

I scurried trying to get me and my daughter out of there in one piece.

Her hand clenched mine tight and almost slipped out because of how sweaty my palms had gotten.

“Fight me, you p***y!”

Each insult felt like a sting.

I didn’t even have the balls to turn around and look at him.

I just kept moving faster with my head down, hoping, praying, he’d leave us alone.

I should’ve kept my big mouth shut when he cut in front of us in line at the store...

But I just HAD to say something.

And now he was trailing me and my daughter into the parking lot... and it was all my fault.

And this dude was BIG.

At least 50 pounds heavier than me.

I had no business confronting him.

I didn’t even want to confront him.

I was just trying to do the right thing:

Stand up to a bully and show my 5-year-old that whenever she’s with me...

She’s safe.

But instead, my antics put us both in danger.

“I’ll f*** you up in front of your little girl”

My stomach churned.

I couldn’t get to the car fast enough...

And he was now about 10 feet away, coming in hot.

And although I’m not a big churchgoer...

I do believe in God...

Because what happened next...

Could only be described as divine intervention.
Divider Text
Hi, I’m ex-CIA Jason Hanson.

I’ll tell you how that story ended in a moment...

But if you’re a man in your 40s, 50s, or 60s...

And you’re terrified of getting into a fight because you know deep in your bones you’d lose...

Listen up.

Because there’s now a scientific way...

To not only win a fight in seconds...

But absolutely OBLITERATE anyone that stands in your way.

Even if they’re a trained fighter... or an aggressive attacker who’s hopped up on drugs.

And no, I’m not talking about learning some martial art that takes decades to master.

Those are good if you’re young and agile and have time...

But if you’re an older guy whose back hurts from merely getting out of bed each morning...

Or if your hips and shoulders ache... and knees sound like velcro...

Then taking up martial arts in your 40s is a VERY bad idea.

Instead, what I’m gonna show you today is the fastest way to become...

Virtually unstoppable.

This will help you STUN your attacker...

And put him down FAST...

Without suffering so much as a scratch.

Sounds impossible?

Oh, it’s possible.

Here’s how.


Again my name is Jason Hanson.

I’m a former CIA officer and Spy, Escape and Evasion specialist.

For the past 20 years, I’ve been helping folks escape dangerous situations like muggings, kidnappings, and brutal attacks.

This presentation is about something every man born before 1985 needs to know how to do:

Win a fight fast — without taking on any damage...

See, there’s actually an effective way to become extremely sufficient in self-defense...

Not in years or months...

But in days!


You have the right tools at your disposal.

And I’m not talking about brass knuckles or anything illegal.

What I’m talking about is completely different.

It works for anyone.

Whether you’re in shape... out of shape... or can barely walk up and down a flight of stairs.

This will work for you even if you can’t do a single push-up.

That’s because it doesn’t rely on strength.

However, this self-defense secret can give you the confidence and certainty that you could DESTROY virtually any thug, gangster, or criminal that tries to mess with you or your family...


By using an Intelligence Operatives secret to winning fights in seconds — without years of training.

It’s a special tool, specifically designed for self-defense...

That gives older guys the upper hand against younger, more aggressive attackers.

This is unlike anything you’ve seen before.
It’s small...

It’s portable...

It’s innocent-looking...

You can take it virtually ANYWHERE you go.

It fits comfortably in the palm of your hand...

And listen...

When you grip this device firmly in your fist...

You are going to understand how easy it is to WRECK an attacker with it.

You’ll feel untouchable.

This thing will supercharge you from head-to-toe... with a level of confidence you’ve never experienced before.

Just holding this device will make you feel like an alpha dog.
Look, the fact is...

More and more states are clamping down on carrying weapons.

California, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York,, are just some of the states that are making it harder for patriots to carry guns.




They’re making us jump through hoops...

Just so we can defend ourselves.

It’s disgusting.

And frankly, I’m a little concerned about the future and where our country’s headed.

See, it’s not just guns they’re trying to take from us.

It’s knives, too.

As of 2023, states like California, Minnesota, and Iowa have put restrictions on knives...

In fact, certain blade-lengths and mechanisms are downright illegal.
And this idiocy is becoming more common wherever you go.

Federal buildings, rented offices, even bars, are just some of the establishments you’re no longer permitted to carry “protection.”

These days, it’s at the discretion of your employer whether you have the right to bear arms.

Meaning, if your boss doesn’t want guns or knives in his workplace...

You better comply.


You can look for work elsewhere.

It’s terrible.

And if you currently work for one of these brain-dead individuals who’s pushing this “progressive culture”...

My condolences.

And the worst part is...

I have a funny feeling it’s only going to get harder and harder to carry.

However, with THIS device...
  ... you CAN be confident you can take down an attacker — even if he’s twice your size and hopped up on drugs.  

It’ll send your attacker to the ER... and then some.

See, once this unique tool is in your possession...

Criminals won’t want to touch you.

They won’t even look at you.

And the best part?

Because this tool is technically NOT a weapon...

You can take it almost anywhere. (I will neither confirm nor deny I’ve been on a plane with this.)

Look, I love guns and knives...

And I carry them daily, everywhere I legally can.

This tool, however, I can take anyplace...

And most people have never even heard of it, let alone seen it before.

It’ll quickly become your go-to “companion” for self-defense.

You’ll use it to keep YOURSELF...

Your family...

Your nieces and nephews...


Even your friends and coworkers, ALL safe.

In fact, they’re going to gravitate to you as the leader of their pack.

You are going to be the alpha dog among them.

Because you’ll have the power to make every single one of them feel safe.

Genuinely safe.

And even though they might not admit it to you...

They’re going to be thanking their lucky stars they’ve got someone like you in their life...

Who can get them out of a sticky situation when SHTF.

In fact, once you discover this tool... you’ll want to give it to your spouse and your kids...

So THEY can stay safe wherever they go.

So, let me quickly show you what this tool is...

And the 3 prime scenarios when it might come in handy.

See, last year, one of the most violent stories circulated the internet.

A woman pulled money out of an ATM...

And was FOLLOWED by two disgusting criminals...

... for 4 miles!


These thugs followed the victim for 4 miles!

Then, they entered her parking lot, and while no one was around...

They ambushed her!

They threw her to the ground...

Grabbed her by the hair...

And dragged her across the pavement as she screamed in terror.

They beat her, repeatedly, before mugging her and getting away.

Imagine being in that situation.

You pull money from an ATM...

You’re in a great mood because you’re thinking about all the wonderful things you’ll spend your money on...

Completely oblivious to the fact a predator has been stalking you this entire time.

Then, you hear a CLICK.

“Give me all your money,” says the screechy, unfamiliar voice.

A rush of panic jolts throughout your entire body...

And it doesn’t help that you can’t see this guy’s face.

He’s wearing a mask.
The same type of mask that society accepts as “normal” nowadays... because... thanks to our corrupt government... it’s easier than ever for criminals to hide their faces.

His shaky hands let you know he’s unpredictable...

And the blade he’s holding lets you know he’s dangerous.
One wrong move... and you’re toast.

Do you really want to leave your family behind?

But instead of giving him your money...

You pull out your “finisher”...

The device.

And within seconds...

The scumbag is down on the ground, and his teeth are scattered on the pavement around him.

The knife is safely OUT of his hands... so there’s no harm to you...

And you walk away as if nothing happened.

No, you didn’t kill him..

But he won’t remember a thing when he comes to.

He also might need to rely on his other senses because, well, let’s just say his eyes are going to be swollen shut for a week.

This tool will make America safe again, in my opinion.

Criminals, thugs, and other predators are going to think twice before they mess with civilians.

That’s why I want every patriot to learn about this tool.

However, that’s not the only scenario this device can come in handy.

Remember this?
When a massive brawl broke out at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport.
Imagine if that happened to you.

You just got off the plane...

You’re waiting for your luggage...

When a group of thugs tries to mess with you.

They’re drunk...

They’re angry...

And they’ve zeroed in on you and your spouse.

You’re a little nervous because you’re unarmed...

And the closest weapon you have is in your luggage.

And these guys are quickly escalating the situation.

They’re up in your face...

And you don’t have enough time to fish out anything from your luggage.

Your wife SCREAMS as one of them puts his hands on her.

What do you do?

Fortunately, you were smart enough to carry this critical tool.

And with one swift move...


You push his nose into his forehead.

And he’s a bloody mess.

The good news?

You didn’t break your fist.

Your hand never connected with his face.

In fact, you didn’t even touch him. The device did all the work for you.

The bad news?

His friends are now enraged.

And they’re coming in hot.

You take one small step back and...


You drop one of them like a sack of potatoes.

The third guy?

He’s now hesitant to come near you.

His confidence is crippled...

He’s staring you down, but he’s weary.

He doesn’t want to end up like his pals.

And after a brief standstill...

You twitch at him...

And he bolts in the other direction, like the scared coward that he is.

But here’s the thing, you and your spouse don’t have a scratch on you.

And that’s when you realize...

There’s no way you could’ve dished out THAT MUCH DAMAGE with punches and kicks alone.

However, thanks to this incredible little tool...

Every blow you throw feels like a sledgehammer from Mike Tyson.

Can you imagine how much more confident you’ll feel with this device at your side?

You’ll be unshakable... untouchable... invincible.

You’ll finally know what it’s like to live without fear.

That’s what this tool does.

It baptizes you in confidence...

And kills fear dead.


When I show you how to use this little tool to gouge someone’s eyeballs out...

You’ll never worry that you left your gun or knife at home.

This tool is deceivingly powerful considering how lightweight and compact it is.

It disperses a shock-wave of force through whatever it comes in contact with.
You could rupture your attackers’ internal organs — completely scrambling his insides — when you RAM this into his gut.

You don’t know what true power feels like until you start carrying one of these.

Now, I can neither confirm nor deny what I’m about to tell you is fact...

Heck, let’s just pretend this is a fun little story for the sake of this argument.

Because as an intelligence operative, not having the ability to carry a weapon is a MASSIVE handicap.

You’re hunting dangerous criminals who are on the FBI’s most wanted list...

You know they’re armed, violent, and ruthless.

And your mission is to capture these lunatics — while sometimes unarmed.

Because if foreign police catch you with a weapon in some of these countries — even if that weapon is just a knife...

They’ll throw you in jail.

And this is a huge problem for intelligence operatives.

So, I decided to do something about it.

Allow me to introduce you to...

The Jawbreaker Mini

The Jawbreaker Mini is a one-of-a-kind device that’s as potent as a weapon...
without being classified as one.

It doesn’t look dangerous...

But don’t let that fool you.

Because this thing can CRIPPLE your attackers in seconds...

... when you use it exactly how I’m going to show you in a second.

However, the Jawbreaker Mini is so much more than just a weapon.

It’s a multi-tool that doubles as a weapon.

It features heavy-duty, rust-resistant steel.

There are twelve tools in total, including several screwdrivers.

But unlike multi-tools that feature separate drill bits — that are annoying to carry and easy to lose... the Jawbreaker Mini has everything bolted together in one place.

Which makes it sturdy enough to knock someone’s teeth out.

It also features a cellphone card remover, box opener, bottle opener... and... a ruler.

All of which look oh so harmless...

Because that’s the point.

And everything on the Jawbreaker Mini is intact and compact.

You can fit it in your pocket and go.

It even sports a carabiner that clips comfortably onto your belt.

And unlike clunky, heavy multi-tools that are a pain in the butt to wear...

The Jawbreaker Mini weighs only 3.7 oz.

That’s lighter than a deck of playing cards — but much more dangerous.

And like I said before...

What I love most about it...

... is that it moonlights as a weapon.

And right now, I’m going to show you how to use the Jawbreaker Mini... to break jaws.

Step #1: Grip your tool
My favorite thing about the Jawbreaker Mini is how easily it fits in your hand.

Just grip the tool at the base...


Step #2: Make sure to keep the carabiner side exposed about an inch.

This is like having an extended pair of brass knuckles... that comes out of the side of your fist.

And don’t worry...

When you throw a punch, you won’t have to use your knuckles — that’s how you could break your hand...

Instead, use the side of your fist...

Where the Jawbreaker Mini is exposed.

Don’t underestimate how much damage you can deliver with this technique.

And if you prefer using a hammer fist...

Do it.

Hold your Jawbreaker Mini so the carabiner comes out the pinky-side.

And if you want to do something even more violent...

Like gouge your attacker’s eyes out...

Then I suggest you pay attention.

Because I’ll show you how to do that, too.

But before I do...

Let’s talk about how you can get your hands on the Jawbreaker Mini today.

First, you need to know that we absolutely refused to cut corners.

With Jawbreaker Mini, you’re always guaranteed a premium, state-of-the-art product...

That’s been rigorously tested by my team and I.

We’ve never spared any expense when producing it.

Especially since ordinary multi-tools don’t look like this... and they certainly aren’t as lightweight and durable as the Jawbreaker Mini.

So, you know it’ll keep you and your loved ones safe in case of an attack.

The bottom line is...

Quality like this doesn’t come cheap.

And when you compare the price of a Jawbreaker Mini with hundreds of multi-tools that are on the market...

You’ll learn that nothing is as compact or as portable as this.

We could’ve easily offered the Jawbreaker Mini at a very steep price.

And considering how much peace of mind this tool gives our customers...

They would’ve gladly paid without thinking twice.

Think about it.

How much would you invest in a self-defense “weapon” you can LEGALLY carry pretty much everywhere you go.

No more worrying about getting mugged...

And no more worrying about becoming a victim of a violent attack.

How much is it worth to you to have that peace of mind?

How much is it worth to you to know that your family is going to be safe?




This isn’t about money for me.

And I don’t want to put a price on your life... or the life of your loved ones.

That’s why, my team and I came up with a brilliant idea.

We wanted to make the Jawbreaker Mini as affordable for you as possible...

While also helping us cover some of the production and research costs.

The retail value of the Jawbreaker Mini should be $99.

And honestly, it’s a steal considering what the Jawbreaker Mini can do.

But my goal from the start was to get this device into the hands of as many patriots as possible.

That’s why, instead of selling this in stores...

I’m cutting out the middleman...

And making this available only on this website, for as long as we have it in stock.

That way, we can pass the savings to you.

This means you don’t have to spend $100 to eliminate fear, and walk with confidence wherever you go...

Nor do you have to spend $89...

Heck, you don’t even have to spend $69 — a price that we’ll soon have to charge to cover the growing cost of materials and supply chain issues.

And even though $69 is less than the cost of 1 self-defense class...

Today, and only on this website...

You can get your very own Jawbreaker Mini for a RISK FREE investment of just $39.95.

That’s right, just $39.95.

And because you’ve made it this far...

I know you’re serious about keeping you and those around you safe.

That’s why I want to give you an even bigger discount... and a couple of amazing bonuses.

Here’s why.

I’m sure you’re aware that America has gotten less safe.

Crime is on the rise, and the current administration is doing nothing to protect us.

In fact, they’re making it harder with all these weapon bans.

That’s why I want you and every member of your family — and even your friends — to be equipped with the Jawbreaker Mini.

Meaning, when you grab one of the “bundle” options below...

You’ll get an even bigger discount... and FREE Shipping.

Yes, you won’t spend a dime on delivery.

But that’s not all.

When you grab one of these two bundles...

I’ll also give you two incredible bonuses — worth $58... absolutely FREE!

Bonus #1

How Secret Operatives Break Jaws With The Jawbreaker Mini eBook

Some of the techniques are too violent to share publicly.

But I want you to be armed with them... so you can handle yourself if you ever need to.

It’s the only way to protect yourself from criminal scum, when you’re unarmed.

Inside you’ll discover...
  The most effective way to grip your device if you’re a woman (Perfect if        you’re going for a jog)
  How Spec Ops conceal their device in one hand (Works even if your              hands  are small)
  WARNING: Your attacker is NOT your biggest threat during an attack —        THIS is (Here’s how to overcome it so you can escape unscathed)
  Attacker grabs you by the shirt or collar? Let them (Here’s why)

And a whole lot more.

The next bonus I want to give you is...

Bonus #2

How Secret Operatives Break Jaws With The Jawbreaker Mini Videos

In this down and dirty video, you’ll discover...
  My 3 favorite grips to use (They all “cement” the unit firmly into your            hand,  and prevent it from slipping out)
  Attacker grabs you from behind? Do any of these three things and you’ll      dissolve the threat instantly (None of them require any strength)
  Walking through a parking lot late at night? Hold your device like THIS (It    will make you practically attack-proof.)
  Where on your attacker’s body to aim the tool if you’re 5-foot-11 or                shorter
And a heck of a lot more.

I can’t wait for you to go through these two bonuses.

And I want you to be completely satisfied.

So, when you invest in the 3 or 6 Jawbreaker Mini bundles...

You’ll receive $58 worth of bonuses, absolutely FREE.

And you’ll get instant access.

That’s how confident I am that you’re going to be thrilled by your Jawbreaker Mini.

In addition, the Jawbreaker Mini makes a great gift.

Which is why most of our customers prefer the 3 or 6 bundles.

They love the savings, the free shipping, and the bonus gifts.

But remember...

This is a limited time deal.

And if you choose to leave this page now...

I can’t guarantee this discount will be available later.

So, don’t waste another second... and stock up for maximum savings.

And if you’re still skeptical, that’s okay.

I want to make this as RISK FREE for you as possible.

In fact, I’m so confident that you’ll be thrilled with your Jawbreaker Mini...

That I want to give you my Ironclad 365-day, money back guarantee.

That’s right.

I’m going to give you a full year to test the Jawbreaker Mini to see if you like it.

And if at any point you want to return it...

Just send it back, even if it’s covered in your attacker’s blood...

And I’ll refund you every penny of your purchase.

That’s how confident I am that you’re going to absolutely LOVE the Jawbreaker Mini.

Select your package below to get started.
If you’re still on the fence...

I want you to consider the following scenario.

Let’s say you close this page right now — and forget everything you just learned.

And over the next couple of weeks, THIS happens:

You walk into an establishment.

The person at the door asks if you’re carrying.

You explain that you are — and even show him your permit.

But he doesn’t care. He’s not letting you in.

So, instead of making a scene, you comply.

You walk back to your car...

You put away your weapon...

And you return to the establishment — unarmed — and have one of the best nights of your life.


As you’re leaving...

You’re approached by two goons.

They’re loud... they’re probably high on drugs... and they’re looking to mug you.

And you don’t have your weapon on you.

And these two thugs are about to have their way with you.

Just pray that you’re not with your wife or kid — because that’s when it could get real messy.

But now, imagine that you’re carrying the Jawbreaker Mini.

It’s not a weapon (even though it’s equally deadly)... so you were able to bring inside with you.

You grab it...

And unleash a quick combo...

And stun the first guy.

He’s grabbing onto his throat — he can’t breathe.

The other guy takes a swing at you, but it’s too late.

There’s no power behind his blow...

His ribcage is shattered...

Because you rammed the Jawbreaker Mini into it.

He folds over like a lawn chair.

You casually strut to your vehicle and call the cops.

And the two thugs who tried to mug you a second ago...

... are hobbling away like wounded rats, crawling back to whatever sewer they crawled out of.

So, you can either take advantage of this self-defense tool you can carry with you virtually anywhere... or risk becoming a victim.

The choice is yours.

Click the link below...

Grab your very own Jawbreaker Mini...

And give yourself and your loved ones the peace of mind you deserve.

Enter your payment details on our secure order form...

And place the order.

We’ll immediately ship your Jawbreaker Mini directly to your home.

Remember, the 3 and 6 bundle options come with a massive discount and FREE Shipping... and two amazing bonuses.

And you’re protected by my Ironclad 365-year guarantee.

I can’t wait for you to experience the power of the Jawbreaker Mini.

I’m former CIA officer Jason Hanson...

Thank you and God bless you and your family..

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